Our mission is to initiate sustainable development in impoverished regions and to quickly provide relief where hunger is rampant
When you think of the words "Relief" and "Development", what do you think of?
Those are two very different words that require very different approaches. Relief means a short term solution for quickly providing food and necessities to desperate situations where lives are at stake. Some of these instances include famines, natural disasters, and wars. Development means a long term approach that embeds knowledge, innovation, vision, and infrastructure into the minds and culture of a region, which enables them to continue to advance on their own. Short term relief is meant to eventually give way to long term development, which, in turn, will eventually result in sustainable independence.
It’s our goal to eventually have at least one or more ongoing hunger-eradicating sustainability development project(s) in each of the least-developed 30 countries in our world. In addition, we've set out to provide relief to desperate regions with war and refugee situations, natural disasters, severe famine, and high disease due to water contamination. Our philosophy is to work toward the ultimate goal of improving the infrastructure and economies of the people groups we work with.
The odds are against us.
The deep-rooted socio-economic causes of starvation are more complex than the average unaffected person cares to understand. On the front lines, poverty and vulnerability exploitation has become a full-time occupation of sorts, an industry of its own. Half-hearted efforts that wealthier nations have made at solving the problems that these nations face have done more harm than good in many cases. Additionally, there are the unjust obstacles created by political, factional, territorial, jurisdictional, social, economic, religious, and every other dividing line and barrier one can imagine.
Nobody ever said that solving world hunger would be easy, but we are putting forth our best endeavors and brightest minds to beat the odds for the sake of each and every needy person we come into contact with. But we can't do this alone. Will you please help us to do what we have set out to do? Together we can accomplish the mission and #MakeADifference.
World Hunger Fund is a 501c3 organization; all donations are tax deductable.